Wednesday, December 19, 2012

iPhone Camera Tip!

I love the portability and convenience of the built-in camera on my iPhone. I use it [A LOT] to capture the little moments from our day-to-day lives. I have discovered a few things that have helped improve the quality of the images I snap with my iPhone and I wanted to share some of them with you!

iPhones are smart, but sometimes mine doesn’t see what I see! Occasionally, the person or subject I am trying to photograph is blurry and the background is in focus.  Or the foreground is in focus when I want something in the background in focus. Or maybe I can't make up my mind and I want to try both scenarios out.  Smart as that contraption might be, it can't read my mind!  (Somebody quick, build and app for that!)  If you run into this problem too, here's how to manually select which area will be in focus. 

After you turn on you camera, frame the subject or scene. Then tap on the screen where you want the photo to be in focus.  It will temporarily put a box around the subject or area that you tapped. This will be the new focal point of the picture. You may also notice the photo will brighten or darken depending on where you tap. (More on this later!)

Give it a shot the next time you try to user your camera phone.  Or give it a whirl now so you're comfortable with it before the next Kodak moment passes you by!  Your Christmas tree and ornaments would be a great scenario to try this out! Changing the focal point can change the whole feel of a picture!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Photo-pa-looza weekend!

I just wrapped up the last of FOUR photo shoots from this weekend, got the sneak peeks posted on Facebook and I am looking so forward to editing the rest of the images!  Here are a couple photos from my photo-pa-looza weekend!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Purple Mountain Majesty

My goal for 2011 is to capture the perfect photograph of Mount Rainier at sunrise. For those of you who know me, you probably think I'll be as likely to snap a shot of a unicorn or a pig flying! I'm not much of a morning person so getting up before Sunrise is an extremely rare occasion! I did however, rise and shine early one morning in February to capture this series. It's not "THE ONE", but it's a start!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Face of 30

Perhaps I should consider enjoying this time in my life instead of anticipating the milestones that come next. I have found myself thinking about the strong memories of my childhood a lot lately, that happens often this time of year, and I wonder how those same kinds of moments will play out in Easton's life. I am certainly excited to hear my son say my name and I cannot wait until he knows what I mean when I tell him I love him. His first day of school will arrive all too soon, and rudely remind me of the speed at which time travels, and still, I get tearful thinking about him coming through the front door after school with his little backpack bouncing back and forth as he darts across the house to show us the art project he did in class that day. I look so forward to these moments and yet they will be gone the second they occur, leaving us with nothing but the hope of a memory to recall when another year has passed.

25 years ago my husband was in Kindergarten. He was born and raised in the same town both of his parents were brought up in. Through his family, he has strong roots and a place in the history of a beautiful, small town. He has 30 years of friendships, memories and stories that will be shared for years by the people he has spent his life with.

Chris is an incredible person and good to the core. His sense of humor sees us through hard times and awkward moments. He has a born gift when it comes to dealing with me. His smile sees me through moments I might have otherwise not survived. My husband is the best father I could have asked for my children to have and he is a loving, selfless friend that I have the honor of sharing my life with. He knows me better than I know myself. He knows where I leave all the things I lose and even deciphered my taste in jewelry before I owned any! He cooks, he cleans, he even snuggles!! He doesn't make me listen to music that I might not be into, and he never complains about what is on the menu for dinner. In the time I have been with him, Chris's ambition for life and work has never faltered. We are always doing something fun but he knows what is important and always takes care of business. He does what is needed, will help a friend who needs him and leads a simple, honest life. I never have to wonder what he is thinking because he speaks truthfully and genuinely.

I know how truly lucky I am in this life. To have a husband who undoubtedly loves me and whom I trust whith my whole heart is a blessing I sometimes can't believe I was given.

I love you, Chris.



Friday, July 30, 2010

Trikes & Grass

I LOVE the summertime! Not only because of all the fun things we have going on and the warm weather and the popsicles and the swimming and the BBQ'ing....but I digress. I also LOVE the sunlight this time of year. Each season has such uniquely warm evening light and while I am surrounded by beautiful scenery year round in this awesome state, I can't say that I always get to take advantage of the light.

Anyway... here are a few summery shots I took after Easton's birthday. His aunt & uncle brought him this super sweet, vintage tricycle for his birthday. I can't decide what I like better about it, the ape-hanger-ish handlebars, or the streamers. Wait a second....... are streamers for girls????? Hmm......

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Year of Sweet, Parental, Bliss

My son turned 1 on the 19th of July. I can hardly believe it! The time has flown by and over the past few days all I can think about is the night we checked into the maternity ward at Good Samaritan Hospital. I thought he was beautiful then.... but look at him now.........

After Easton was born, someone said to me that after their first child was born, she couldn't possibly understand how she could love a second child the same as she loved her first. At the time, I thought, you're nuts! This is so much fun, I could love 100 kids just the way I love Easton. He was awesome as a newborn. He was easy: a good eater, an excellent sleeper and always seemed to be happy. But now that he's 1, I feel a little different. First of all, I could NEVER have 100 kids. But I also think I understand what she meant. There's something so genuine and unique about the way you love your kids. And although I haven't had anymore at this point, I know that this time is particularly special. Easton is a beacon of joy. A constant source of happiness and his entry into our lives has changed so much about who I am. I feel like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.... my heart has grown and felt so much in the last year. And all it took was this tiny, little person with squishy cheeks, chubby thighs, and a silly giggle to come into my life and show me what it's all about.

And you wanna know the best part of it all? He loves to snuggle. :)

Happy Birthday Easton.

Monday, May 3, 2010

10 Things I Learned About Mexico

  1. The Margaritas really are better south of the border.

  2. There's no sense in getting a pedicure if you are spending any time at the beach.

  3. I finally understand why people prefer the pool to the ocean water.

  4. Nothing compares to dinner under a grass hut with friends & family and the surf nipping at your toes.

  5. 2 for 1 Happy Hour can actually last for 7 hours!

  6. Nothing is the same in Mexico as it is in The States. This includes cheeseburgers, Doritos & Subway.

  7. There is something to be said for American emissions requirements. (AND TRAFFIC LAWS!)

  8. Mexican beer is good.

  9. My Spanish teacher was really good.

  10. And there's no place like home.